
Life Mission


To become an independent civilization to learn how to self govern ourselves and our own countries under the Universal Laws and the Natural Laws that has been set out long ago that states to respect the planet and all life within her and above her, to become a voice of freedom and independence for our brothers and sisters, to be able to come together and talk about the problems that we are facing and figuring out the best solutions on how to deal the it in the most respectful and loving way that does not harm anyone.
We have come so far and I believe we are in some way beginning to self govern ourselves so therefore, I believe this Network if done right will become the first groups to experiment with this and to become a platform for all nations to come and make their voices heard. It is our goal for all nations to be apart of the change they want to see in the world.


To become an active group not just online but also in our communities worldwide, to bring hope and faith back into our communities, creating positive changes in the world around you and others and so starting in our communities worldwide is just a start.
Our mission is to teach, guide and support anyone that is caught in the middle of this chaos, we are to empower and inspire humanity to make a change, we will also offer and help those that are living in war stricken countries, natural disasters etc, we may also have to do a world wide fundraiser to create awareness and funds to help our brothers and sisters, that is our responsibility to care for own no matter how or what it takes.
Love and Compassion is our message to bring our civilization back to the source of Oneness.
We all have gifts, talent, ideas and we need to bring this forward to the world and so we need people like ‘YOU’, from all nations to take part to bring this world wide, to stop the wars and suffering of this planet and to all of her children. Together I know that we can be the first bring Mother Earth into being of love and peace.


Is to the Earth above all, for we are her and she is us; there is no true separation from her! And whenever a civilization does separate itself from Mother Earth, the civilization eventually dies out, which is exactly what we are witnessing in our own civilization ! So we must take responsibility for our actions and energies that are being poured through her.

Mother Earth is dying….. and so are her children, it is our responsibility to defend and protect.

We are the defender , protectors of the Air, Fire, Water and Earth, we are defenders for the defenseless we are protectors of the innocent and that is our mission and commitment.

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